Thursday, March 21, 2024

Electron app with React and Electron Forge

Build Desktop applications with React and Electron Forge

Create cross-platform desktop applications using modern web development tools and integration of third-party libraries and frameworks with Electron. Build your electron apps with the commonly used web technologies like HTML, JavaScript, CSS. Supports native interface for all platforms like windows, macOS, Linux. Integrate JavaScript frameworks such as React, Vue for front-end tooling. Publish electron apps with built-in templates. Currently Electron apps have support for these templates for publishing,

  1. Vite
  2. Webpack

Monday, March 11, 2024

Codeigniter Shield - Install and Configure

Install Codeigniter Shield

Codeigniter Shield is the official authentication and authorization framework for codeigniter 4. It provides session authentication, in which the user ID and password is stored in the session for the subsequent requests to authenticate against. Basically, it has all the features that the modern website offers.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Codeigniter in Visual Studio Code - Getting started

Getting started with Codeigniter in VSCode

Codeigniter is a PHP Framework for building robust and flexible websites. Basically, codigniter can be downloaded from official sources as a zip package and install in your system to start development. But, there are other ways to download and install codeigniter to build web applications. Here, we will demonstrate two ways to get started with codeigniter app development in visual studio code. The two approaches used here are,

  1. Clone Git repository
  2. Composer (tool to install packages and dependencies)

Monday, March 4, 2024

Setup Laravel in Visual Studio Code - Getting started

Setup Laravel in Visual Studio Code

Laravel is a very popular PHP Framework for developing web applications. There are many ways to get started with Laravel development in different platforms. But, the most commonly used IDE by developers is visual studio code because it is open source and has support for multiple languages. It even has extensions enabling to integrate third-party tools and services, thus allows for faster development. Here, two approaches are used to download and install Laravel in vscode.

  1. Clone Git repository
  2. Composer (tool to get packages and dependencies)

After you download Laravel, first thing that you have to is create a .env file and copy the configurations from the .env.example to .env file. Then, Generate app key and assign to the setting variable.

Codeigniter Shield Authorization

Codeigniter Shield Authorization CodeIgniter Shield is the official authentication and authorization framework for CodeIgniter 4. It provide...